Several times a year business competitions are held in the club, in which more than 30 residents have already participated and increased their business indicators.
Meetings with entrepreneurs
Every month we meet famous entrepreneurs, millionaires and talk openly, informally, heart-to-heart about life and business.
Company excursions
Several times a year we organize excursions to companies and various production sites to see how the business works and to gain new knowledge and experience.
8 residents are currently working with mentors and developing businesses.
Business areas
16 business areas are actively developing in the club thanks to the initiative of residents. Residents discuss narrow issues within their niche, exchange experience, specialists and contractors.
Club meetings
Club meetings are held in different formats: meetings with experts, business breakfasts, experience exchange, case studies, games, brainstorming sessions, etc.
Several times a year we go out of town with our families for a weekend of rebooting, relaxing, and reenergizing with friends.
It is more than 10 different sporting events per year. The club has members playing soccer, hockey and volleyball. The residents regularly hold joint training sessions, participate in competitions and organize city charity tournaments.
16 boards are currently in operation, where residents can discuss confidentially in small groups not only business issues, but also more personal topics.
Self-development activities
The club hosts different formats of events: trainings, debates, negotiation duels, TED and more.
Opening a club in your city
50 residents is the goal by 2025.
Creating and leading a business direction
5 residents became business area managers at the club.
Regular assistance to persons with disabilities and the poor
Become a mentor
8 residents were trained and became mentors.
Share your experiences at the club
Counseling support for residents.
Joint travels
Organized 5 joint trips by residents and received many times more emotions and memories.
Shared leisure time
We spend weekends together: we visit theaters, exhibitions, museums, restaurants, sing karaoke, go river rafting, go to the bathhouse and much more. In any week you can find an invitation to relax among the residents.
Family activities
During the year, 10 events were organized for families with children of our residents.
Women's leisure
1/3 of the club residents are girls. There is a place for women's joys, culinary evenings, SPA-maiden parties, etc. within the direction.
Joining the Club
To join the club, you must have:
Running business
The business should not be based on the sale of alcohol, tobacco, gambling, gambling on the stock market, network marketing
At least one staff member
Entry fee - 300 euros
An entrepreneur must have a clean reputation
Join The Club
About the club
ANCHOR - is a members-only private club for like-minded entrepreneurs, whose goals are to grow and strengthen businesses and ensure a prosperous society. We are apolitical and open to mutually beneficial cooperation.
At the moment, the Anchor Business Club consists of 20 entrepreneurs. Newcomers will have the opportunity of receiving advice and support from experienced members. They will also be able to communicate with colleagues and like-minded individuals, exchange experiences, find business contacts and receive advice on solving various business problems. The club specialises in finding business partners, customers and suppliers in order to undertake new joint projects. We hold various events, forums and seminars. Anchor is the only place in Daugavpils where you can meet and communicate with entrepreneurs of various levels. Our main goal is the development of business and business ties. If there is a good team, success will come. And our team is composed of ideological people who can move mountains and change the world for the better. These are the reasons why our club exists.
Seminars - Recently, seminars have become very popular as a means for our members to communicate valuable information to each other. However, due to the employment obligations and different locations of our entrepreneurs, it is not always possible to get together in person. So, we decided to conduct online seminars as well. To date, more than 20 online seminars have been held on various topics.
Forums - In the future, we aim to organise and attend various business forums, as well as assist in organising business processes. The club will hold an international business forum dedicated to the development of active tourism in Latgale and neighbouring countries.
Entrepreneur Meetings - Meetings with entrepreneurs are held several times a month. Residents can attend and ask questions, get acquainted with new people and establish business contacts.
Exchange of Experience - Over our many years in business, we have acquired tremendous knowledge and experience that we are ready to share with club members. Innovations and non-standard solutions will help to bring your business to a qualitatively new level of development.
Charity - The club’s most important task is to help people. In the very near future, the club intends to realise many charitable ideas and socially significant projects for the benefit of society. Charity is what rapidly changes you, your life and the lives of those you help. The projects implemented by our club and its members will be displayed on the website.
Club Mission - We aim to form a strong community of successful entrepreneurs who will be worthy examples to others. It is also our aim to strengthening club members’ motivation, assist in their personal growth, as well as expand their geographical reach. Gaining knowledge and experience from important entrepreneurs with large enterprises is equally important to us. Finally, we also strive to accomplish social, charitable and business projects.
What the anchor symbolizes? - The symbol of the anchor was often decorated on coins, medals and coats of arms. Roman emperors, Russian princes, sailors, discoverers gave the image of the anchor a great meaning. Here are the main meanings:
Symbol of navigation, distant wanderings, travel, maritime trade.
Symbol of the joy of returning home after a long and difficult wanderings in a foreign land.
Symbol of stability, peace and security.
Symbol of resilience and the ability to resist the headwinds, currents, terrible storms, unpredictable elements and do not lose their way.
A symbol of hope. Ancient seafarers considered the sea to be the realm of darkness and the unknown. It was the anchor that often saved their lives. So they literally entrusted their fate to it. The making of each piece ended with a lavish ritual. And when the time came to use the anchor, it was not thrown, but carefully lowered. The Latin language preserved an ancient expression: “Sacram anchoram solvere”, which literally means “To be saved by the sacred anchor”, i.e. to avoid imminent destruction
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